Babacar Mbaye DIOP holds a PhD in Aesthetics and Philosophy of Art from the University of Rouen (France). He is interested in the arts of Black Africa, cultural diversity, diaspora concepts, identity, globalization and connections. Philosophy teacher at Raymond d'Yvetot high school (near Rouen) and Jeanne d'Arc high school in Sainte Adresse (near Le Havre), he is the founder and co-editor of FIKIRA-Revue Africaine. He teaches Aesthetics and Philosophy of Art at the Department of Philosophy at the University Cheikh Anta Diop in Dakar.
He is the author of The African Historical Consciousness (co-dir.), L'Harmattan, 2008; The fate of Negritude (Ed.), Editions de la Lune, Paris, 2009; Criticism of the notion of African art (Connaissances et Savoirs, Paris, 2011); Braïma Injaï. To paint is to have something to say (Monographie, Art-culture-France, Caen, 2014); Omar Pène, a destiny in music, Fikira, 2016. He has written numerous articles on African arts and is the current President of the Senegalese section of the International Association of Art Critics (AICA).