Ariane Leblanc

Born in 1993, Ariane Leblanc grew up in Latin America where, at a very early age, she came in contact with a wide variety of cultures. Back in France, she studied communication in Rennes. During this period, she organized a national gathering on environmental issues with high-school students from Eco-Ecole labeled schools, part of the global network of Eco-Schools providing education with an eye to sustainable development.

She pursued her studies at The University of Paris I in cultural mediation, where she focused more particularly on multiculturalism in the post-colonial era through research work conducted with other students. It was in connection with this research that she undertook her first internship at Laboratoires d'Aubervilliers in 2014. In parallel, she regularly worked on farms advancing a circular economy and permaculture.

In addition to this hands-on involvement in alternative agricultural methods, she developed a strong interest in the role of public spaces in contemporary urban productions, an interest that become the subject of her Master’s II thesis, defended at the University of Paris I.

Ariane Leblanc strives to develop spaces of territorialized social and cultural innovation in order to create levers for concrete actions in favor of the environment. Since April 2016, she has coordinated the project La Semeuse at Laboratoires d'Aubervilliers.



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